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Who We Are
ICIFA is the professional Investment and Financial Analysts’ body mandated by law to regulate the Investment and Financial Analysis profession in Kenya, being the only body authorized by law to register and grant practising certificates to Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFAs) in Kenya both in private and public practice under the Investment and Financial Analysts Act (No.13 of 2015).
We are dedicated to providing region-wide network and promoting the role of the profession in the fields of investment and financial analysis, pension funds, asset management, corporate finance, investment and finance training, fund management, financial advisory, wealth management, real estate investment, insurance investment advisory, capital markets operations, and investment banking among others. ICIFA provides highly skilled, competent, competitive professional expertise in all sectors in the investment and finance industry.
We are globally affiliated to Association of Certified International Investment Analyst (ACIIA) based in Switzerland, the African Securities Exchange Association (ASEA) and the Association of Professional Societies in East Africa (APSEA). The examination body for Certified Investment and Financial Analysts Examination is kasneb.
Functions of ICIFA
- promote standards of professional competence and ethical practice amongst members of the Institute;
- promote research into the subjects of securities and investments and related matters, and the publication of books, periodicals, journals and articles in connection therewith;
- promote the international recognition of the Institute;
- advise the regulator for the time being responsible for capital markets in respect of licensing investment and financial analysts;
- advise the Examinations Board on matters relating to examinations standards and policies;
- to design and administer an initial ethics and integrity test for the purposes of determining the professional suitability of all its members and to subsequently design and undertake such continuous development programmes for its members.
- carry out any other functions prescribed for it under any of the other provisions of this Act or any other
The leading institute for investment and finance professionals.
To promote excellence and professionalism amongst our members and the financial industry.
Core Values
- Integrity
- Competence
- Innovation
- Fairness
- Accountability